Thursday, July 31, 2008

Calling for Papers

Hello to Chinese Calvinists fellows,

Especially looking forward to your fantastic contribution.

We're very much appreciate your enthusiasm in various reformed ministry.Since 2009 will be a big year for calvin 500 annivessary, we are planning to host a blog conference on mar, humbly learning from Calvin's thoughts and influences in 16-17th century, and to explore its implication within chinese churches today.

The aim of this conference is to foster theological reading habit and research discipline on reformed and puritans' heritages among chinese theo-bloggers via the blogosphere. We will approach an advisor to be our dissertion reader, so that the conference will be respected.Therefore, we're intended to contact with Dr.Lee Keng Ang and Dr.Samuel Ling.

While some spots are already filled, there're still plenty of room. Any submisson related to this general focus would be open to consideration, creative approaches is encouraged. You may propose a paper research before 1st sept, and finish before 1st Jan 2009. We will declare all the author and proposed title after 1st sept.If you want to commend any particular paper, may inform us, so that it will be sent to you after 1st Jan 2009.

The paper 2000-3000 words ,commend 500-1000 words. If could in chinese, if not we will arrange someone to translate for you.The conference will be doing online, presenting, commending and discussing each article per day. If you're really interest, we're looking forward to your proposal in this conference. Hope this will be a good set up, we're eager for an interesting journey!

Pls keep posting some thought on this.

Sincerely and Prayerfully,
Pastor Jonah and Pastor Lemuel

Monday, July 14, 2008


纪念2009年加尔文500周年,特设此部落格为华人归正运动新生代展开讨论空间。郑天鸣传道与许如辉传道划在CREDO-Chinese Reformed Evangelical Discussion Online部落格名下,推举第一届部落格神学会议,主题「加尔文看今日华人教会」。招搞对象扩大至福音派不同神学立场之神学友,期望从不同观点与角度认识到更全面的加尔文,同时尽可能挖掘其正面的思想和影响带给21世纪华人教会的启发和愿景。





1. 加尔文的恩典神学,许如辉(古晋卫理公会主恩堂代理传道)。

2. 加尔文论崇拜更新,

宗教改革与教育,Linus Chua(新加坡朝圣者圣约教会传道)。

4. 清教徒之复兴典范,