Wednesday, August 12, 2009

On the CREDO conference

Traslated by: Daniel Chew

The schedule of the 500th Calvin anniversary blog conference has been tentatively proposed. The 19 articles we have received for the conference will be distributed into two groups — the first group having the theme 'The legacy (lit. continuance) of Reformed theology', and the second having the theme 'The Reformation and John Calvin (lit. The Reformation era's John Calvin)'. The conference will now be prolonged till October 2009, with the intention of giving at least two days for discussing each article, and having a rest from our discussion on the Lord's Day (Sunday).

The names of our contributors have been mostly finalized, barring unforeseeable last minute changes. Also, a new article by Daniel Chew analyzing the 'New Evangelical Calvinism' is specially included. [Note: The inclusion was suggested by Pastor Jonah, not me - DHC]. The names of the reviewers on the other hand would be confirmed and listed in the near future. All reviewers are to hand in their reviews before 1st Sept. In the event that more time is needed, please get back to us at

The Chinese section of the conference would be headed by Pastor Jonah Tang, while the English section would be headed by Daniel Chew. Publication wise, both articles and reviews would be separately published - one volume in Chinese and a separate volume in English, for the convenience of our Chinese and English readers. [Note: A mixed language volume would only be accessible to readers of both English and Chinese, which is not ideal - DHC]. It is hoped that we would be able to publish the articles in a book by the end of this year; all who desire to help out in the English to Chinese translation work are welcome to contact us.

Part I: The legacy of Reformed Theology (7th - 28th Sept 2009)

I. Scripture and Tradition

Sept 7th Mejlina Tjoa, Scripture and Tradition (Response: Jonah Tang)

Sept 9th J.J Lim, The Place and Necessity of Creeds and Confessions in The Modern World (Response: David Chang)

II. Scripture and Theology

Sept 11st Daniel Chin Choy Wong, An Analysis and Critique of Signs and Wonders (Response: Daniel Chew)

Sept 14th David Chong, Evaluate the "New Perspective" on Paul's Exposition of the Doctrine of Justification by faith alone (Response: Tsun-En Lu)

III. Scripture and Counseling

Sept 16th Gideon Teo, The Tradition of Counseling and Physiology through the eyes of Richard Baxter and Archibald Alexander (Response: Andrew Teo)

Sept 18th Andrew Teo, Reclaiming The Biblical Care of Souls in The Body of Christ (Response: Gideon Teo)

IV. Scripture and Apologetics

Sept 21st Benjamin Ho,Francis Schaeffer and Reformation (Response: Mejlina Tjoa)

Sept 23rd Daniel Chew,Evaluating The Purpose Driven Paradigm: Recapturing The Vision of The Centrality of The Gospel (Response: Peter Wong)

V. The Gospel and Culture

Sept 25th Linus Chua, Reformation and Education (Response: David Chen)

Sept 28th Tsun-En Lu,John Rawl’s Justice as Fairness and The Pluralistic Society (Response: David Chong)

Part II: The Reformation and John Calvin (5th - 23rd Oct 2009)

I. The historical legacy of John Calvin

Oct 5th Stephen Chan, Calvin's Tale of Two Cities (Response: David Cheng)

Oct 7th Jack Sin,The Spiritual Influence and Legacy of John Calvin to The Modern World (Response: Lim Soon Beng)

Oct 9th Daniel Chew, New Evangelical Calvinism: An analysis of the Calvinist Resurgence (Response: Edward Sim)

II. Joh Calvin's theology of God's Sovereignty

Oct 12nd Alex Tseng, Karl Barth's Doctrine of Election (Response: Joel Tay)

Oct 14th Ang Lai Hoe, Biblical Consistency of Calvin’s Work on Election (Response: Lemuel Hii)

Oct 16th David Chen,Has Turretin been faithful to John Calvin’s Doctrine of Election? (Response: Alex Tseng)

III. The practical theology of John Calvin

Oct 19th Fook Seong Ten, Calvin's Institutes and the Practices of Piety (Response: Yong Pai Chan)

Oct 21st Zhi Yong Wang, Calvin and the Psalms: Singing the songs of Jehovah (Response: Cathy Tan)

Oct 23rd Cathy Tan,The quest for Calvin's essence of worship: Passion and love of God — A journey away from ritualistic worship (Response: Paul Gao)

Monday, August 10, 2009


加尔文500周年部落格会议的时间表已有初步的安排, 我们将目前收集的19篇文章分成两个部分. 第一部分的分题为'改教神学的延续性', 第二部分的分题为'改教时代的加尔文'. 时间将延长至十月, 意即每两天讨论一篇文章, 每主日休会一天.

贡献文章者名单已基本上确定, 若有临时更改会在九月前修正. 特别加入的文章, 有赵惠聪对'新福音加尔文主义的分析'一文. 回应者名单将在近期确定后列入, 回应文须在九月1日前交上, 若有需要延长者请与我们接洽( .

会议的汉语部分将由郑天鸣(Jonah Tang) 主持, 英语部分则由赵惠聪(Daniel Chew)主持. 文章及回应文将分别编入汉语和英语之文集, 以方便中英文的读者群. 希望在今年底可以顺利出版, 凡有意分担中译工作的朋友可以联系我们.

PART I:改教神学的延续性(9月7-28日)

I. 圣经与传统

Sept 7th Mejlina Tjoa, Scripture and Tradition (Response: 郑天鸣)

Sept 9th J.J Lim, The Place and Necessity of Creeds and Confessions in The Modern World (Response: David Chang)

II. 圣经与神学

Sept 11st 王俊才,神迹与方言的分析与批判 (Response: Daniel Chew)

Sept 14th David Chong, Evaluate the "New Perspective" on Paul's Exposition of the Doctrine of Justification by faith alone (Response: Tsun-En Lu)

III. 圣经与辅导

Sept 16th Gideon Teo,The Tradition of Counseling and Physiology through the eyes of Richard Baxter and Archibald Alexander (Response: Andrew Teo)

Sept 18th Andrew Teo, Reclaiming The Biblical Care of Souls in The Body of Christ (Response: Gideon Teo)

IV. 圣经与护教

Sept 21st Benjamin Ho,Francis Schaeffer and Reformation (Response: Mejlina Tjoa)

Sept 23rd Daniel Chew,Evaluating The Purpose Driven Paradigm : Recapturing The Vision of The Centrality of The Gospel(Response: Peter Wong)

V. 福音与文化

Sept 25th Linus Chua, Reformation and Education (Response: David Chen)

Sept 28th Tsun-En Lu,John Rawl’s Justice as Fairness and The Pluralistic Society (David Chong)

PART II:改教时代的加尔文(10月5-23日)

I. 加尔文的历史遗产

Oct 5th 陈佐人,加尔文的双城记(Response: 郑哲民)

Oct 7th Jack Sin,The Spiritual Influence and Legacy of John Calvin to The Modern World (Response: Lim Soon Beng)

Oct 9th Daniel Chew, New Evangelical Calvinism: An analysis of the Calvinist Resurgence (Response: Edward Sim)

II. 加尔文的主权神学

Oct 12 nd Alex Tseng, Karl Barth Doctrine of Election (Response: Joel Tay)

Oct 14 th Ang Lai Hoe, Biblical Consistency of Calvin’s Work on Election(Response: 许如辉)

Oct 16 th David Chen,Has Turretin been faithful to John Calvin’s Doctrine of Election? (Response: Alex Tseng)

III. 加尔文的实践神学

Oct 19 th
邓福祥,从加尔文<基督教要义>论敬虔操练 (Response: 杨百川)

Oct 21 st 王志勇,加尔文与诗篇:唱耶和华的歌 (Response: 陈亦君)

Oct 23 rd 陈亦君,加尔文崇拜本质的探求:灵火焚心,负爱一生-走出仪文的敬拜 (Response:高爱军)