Wednesday, September 30, 2009




文章及回应文的英译工作将由赵惠聪(Daniel Chew)负责,郑天鸣牧师(Jonah Tang)与邹泉源(Amos Chaw)则负责汉译,以方便双语的读者群。会议的第二部分「改教时代的加尔文」,其中有三篇是后来加入的文章,因此我们已将时间调整为10月3-28日。时间表如下:

PART II:改教时代的加尔文(10月2-28日)

I. 加尔文的历史遗产

Oct 3rd陈佐人,加尔文的双城记(Response: 郑哲民)

Oct 5th Jack Sin,The Spiritual Influence and Legacy of John Calvin to The Modern World (Response: Lim Soon Beng)

Oct 7th Daniel Chew, New Evangelical Calvinism: An analysis of the Calvinist Resurgence (Response: Edward Sim)

II. 加尔文的主权神学

Oct 9th Ang Lai Hoe, Biblical Consistency of Calvin’s Work on Election(Response: Lemuel Hii)

Oct 12nd David Chen,Has Turretin been faithful to John Calvin’s Doctrine of Election?(Response: Alex Tseng)

Oct 14th Alex Tseng, Karl Barth Doctrine of Election (Response: Joel Tay)

III. 加尔文的崇拜神学

Oct 16th王志勇,加尔文与诗篇:唱耶和华的歌 (Response: 陈亦君)

Oct 19th陈亦君,加尔文崇拜本质的探求:灵火焚心, 负爱一生-走出仪文的敬拜 (Response: 高爱军)

Oct 21st Timothy Peng, Reformed View of Music (Response: 杨峻豪)

IV. 加尔文的实践神学

Oct 23rd邓福祥,从加尔文<基督教要义>论敬虔操练 (Response: 杨百川)

Oct 26th郑哲民,加尔文论律法和恩典 (Response: Jason Loh)

Oct 28th Jason Loh, Calvin’s View on the Cultural Mandate (Response: Benjamin Ho)

此次新加入的贡献者包括:郑哲民牧师(加尔文论律法和恩典), Timothy Peng(Reformed View of Music), Jason Loh(Calvin’s View on the Cultural Mandate)。回应者包括杨峻豪, Benjamin Ho, Jason Loh。 以上参与者的简历可以参考这里(迟些会补上)。


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tsun En Lu on Christians and the Pluralistic Society

How do Christians live in their engagement with society in the public square, especially with those of other persuasion and those in a multi-cultural and multi-religious society? In this paper, Pastor Tsun-En Lu interacts with John Rawls's idea of Justice as Fairness and criticize his views from a Christian viewpoint. An excerpt:

罗尔斯 (John Rawls) 的〈正义论〉 (A Theology of Justice) 复兴了自由主义的哲学传统,重新定义民权,不但启发了廿世纪末的宪法理论研究,并且持续地在廿一世纪影响美国的宪政精神与大众的舆论文化 之中。罗尔斯的理论对基督教产生相当的冲击,因为它以平等为名,把基督教的信仰命题相对化,并尝试跨越传统的政教分离原则,为政府和教会的传统权威中划出 一条属于自由主义的新界线,进而排斥了基督教在公众论述中诠释公义概念的机会。

[Unfortunately, this paper is in Chinese and has not been translanted yet, so sorry to English readers].

Dave Chong responds to it here.

In an increasingly pluralistic society in America, Pastor Lu’s critique of Rawlsian conception of ‘justice as fairness’ is a much-needed contribution to the ongoing dialogue on Christian engagement in the public square. How do multi-religious, multi-ethnic societies today carve out a civil space that safeguards the liberty, equity and rights for all? This burning issue is further fueled by sometimes strident attempts by secularists to keep religious faith as a private choice that has no room in the realm of politics.

This paper and review are now open for comments.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Linus Chua: Reformation and Education

Today, we would be having Pastor Linus Chua on the topic of Reformation and Education. Does the Reformed faith has anything to say about the issue of education? In this short article of his, Pastor Linus briefly discuss what the Reformation gave to the education enterprise, and the lessons we can learn and applications we can make from them to the issue of education today.

An excerpt:

History shows that there was an intimate relationship between the Reformation and education. Wherever the Reformation went, it carried the school with it and gave a strong impulse to the education of the masses. Lorraine Boettner wrote, “Wherever Calvinism has gone, there knowledge and learning have been encouraged and there a sturdy race of thinkers has been trained. Calvinists have not been the builders of great cathedrals, but they have been the builders of schools, colleges, and universities.”

The Reformers and those who followed after them recognized that true saving faith involved sound knowledge (Hebrews 11), that sanctification was through the truth of God’s word (John 17:17) and that Christians are called to love God with all their minds (Matt 22:37, Deut 6:1-9, Rom 12:1-2).

In the same document, David Chen reviews Linus' article. An excerpt:

It is indeed true that the Reformation places an emphasis on education. They did so with two convictions: 1) to bring the Word of God to all – they are convinced the Bible is not only Authoritative and Sufficient, but the Bible is also clear and the wisdom of salvation is accessible by all who are willing to read it by faith. However, a second conviction drives the education movement: to understand the world and all of its wisdom is another channel to understand God and His nature, commonly known as natural revelation.

The paper can be found here, and both Linus' paper and David Chen's review are open for discussion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daniel Chew on Recapturing The Vision of The Centrality of The Gospel

Rick Warren, a megachurch pastor and philanthropist in Saddleback Valley, who is courted by political and church leaders worldwide, says he thinks Christianity needs a "Second Reformation" that would steer the church away from divisive politics and be "about deeds not creeds". Here is one of the expert diagnosis which concern over Warren's treatment of Scripture in his "Purpose Driven books" and the "Forty Days Program". I can hear the author's voice from it's crying heart in this paper. Daniel Chew, who is the co-organizer of this blog conference, and the author of Driven Away By Purpose, his paper can be accessed here. An Excerpt:

Within Evangelicalism, many churches have for various reasons embraced in part or the whole of the Purpose Driven paradigm within the life of the Church. As Christians, we are to evaluate everything according to the Word of God (Acts 17: 11-12; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 1 Jn. 4:1), so how does this paradigm measure up to Scripture? More importantly, since Christianity is about Christ and the Gospel, how does the Purpose Driven paradigm measure up to Scripture in this respect?

Rev. Peter Wong, graduate from London Reformed Baptist Seminary, whom is currently a minister of Brunei Reformed Baptist Churh. His review can be read here.

Dr Rick Warren renowned , popular Pastor and author of Purpose Driven Church 1995 and the subsequent devotional book Purpose Driven life 1994 , has created quite another wave of new ways of looking at church growth and Christian life since the 1960s modern church growth movement.

[This paper is now opened for discussion.]

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Benjamin Ho On Francis Schaeffer and Reformation

It is said that, Schaeffer was more into "practice" rather than "method" at which he had differences with Van Til. So once again, if apologetics has cash value in practice outside the classroom, what does Schaeffer's view of apologetic says of defense against secularism in his times? Benjamin Ho, whom working in the Singapore government service as a policy analyst had addressed the good stuff that reminds us of the remarkable man here. An Exerpt:

“What we need is a presentation of the Bible’s historical truth in such a waythat it is acceptable to today’s intellectuals…it is irrational to think thatwatertight doors exist between religion and intellectual thinking. A step of faith is no step in the dark” (Francis Schaeffer, Time Magazine, 11 Jan 1960)

Mejlina Tjoa's review here.

As elaborated in the paper, Francis Schaeffer has left a lasting impact on his generation and beyond. He demonstrated that the robust framework of reformed theology has its relevance beyond classroom theological discussions and nostalgia of former glories.

[This paper is now opened for discussion.]

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Andrew Teo on Reclaiming the Biblical Care of Souls in The Body of Christ

This is another excellent piece and worthwhile reflection of the Nouthetic Counseling, which clearly identifies the issue at stake, which resists the temptation to engage with the Psychology, and which at key point keeps a continuity with the Reformation spirit of Sola Scriptura and Solo Christus in line with the modern counseling reformer Jay Adam. The paper was written by a pastor whom currently serve at Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church in Michigan, Rev. Dr. Andrew Teo. His paper can be accessed here. An Excerpt:

The Reformation was a turning point in church history. Two great teachings of the Reformation are Sola Scriptura and the Priesthood of all believers. Sola Scriptura meansby Scripture alone. The Priesthood of all believers means that believers, guided by theWord and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are equipped and called to counsel one another in the Body of Christ.

Gideon Teo whom is now licensed in the PCA, his responds to this paper here.

The work of Jay Adams is undeniably groundbreaking. As the Father of Nouthetic counseling, Adams is arguably the Luther who began our modern Counseling Reformation. Acentral theme of Nouthetic Counseling, as presented by Pastor Andrew's essay, is that the use of Secular Psychology for biblical counseling is contrary to the principles of Sola Scriptura; therefore, Psychology must be utterly rejected.

[This paper are now opened for discussion.]

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gideon Teo on The Tradition of Counseling and Physiology through the eye of Richard Baxter and Archibald Alexander

Anyone who thinks that the Biblical/Nouthetic counseling should not be engaged with the psychology, you would definitely get some light by reading Gideon's paper here. Gideon Teo the 4th year student of Counseling in Westminster Philadelphia and Rev. Dr. Andrew Teo the Whitefield College Phd candidate(Jay Adam's school of thought) , as an academic outsider to their exchange it has been illuminating. Plus, it's encouraging to see sharp conversation handled so cordially, much to chew on... An Excerpt:

Is the Reformed faith relevant to human physiology? Harvard professor Charles Rosenberg argues, “We are no more willing, many of us, to suffer the pain of depression oranxiety than that of some more readily localized and meliorable physical ailment; in our society, neither stoicism nor traditional religious viewpoints seem ordinary to provide a context ofmeaningfulness for such ills of the soul.”

Our reviewer Rev. Dr. Andrew, is currently doing parsonage in Ann Arbor chinese church while taking his 2nd Phd in Whitefield College under Prof. Jay Adam, his review can be see here.

I am not sure where Richard Baxter and Archibald Alexander derived the word and the concept of “Melancholy” from. Since both historical figures agreed that individuals may have a unique set of traits that favors the development of Melancholy and the development of this trait was due to “black bile.” I suspect they learned this term from the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates (460-377 B.C) or physicians of their time.

And Gideon's defense here.

I appreciate Pastor Andrew's well researched response to my paper. He has given a good account of the history of medieval physiology while mentioning several important evils of modern psychology, such as “taking medication for medication.”By doing so, Pastor Andrew warns us against blindly accepting worldviews that are presented in this fallen world.

[Gideon's paper and Andrew's review are now opened for discussion.]

Sunday, September 13, 2009

David Chong on Evaluate the “New Perspective” on Paul’s exposition of the doctrine of justification by faith alone

The current debates regarding justification reflect a readiness to explore new perspectives that hold the promise for ecumenical convergence or even consensus. The importance of these contemporary discussions of justification can hardly be exaggerated. This paper was written by David Chong in attempt to sort out the daunting task of the contemporary state of theological discussion regarding justification here. An Excerpt:

Since the groundbreaking work in E. P. Sanders’ monograph, “Paul and Palestinian Judaism”, a paradigm shift had taken place within New Testament scholarship with regards to the center of Pauline theology. Although by no means a monolithic movement, the New Perspective represents a fundamental rethinking of what the gospel really means. The present paper sought to analyze and evaluate New Perspective views on the doctrine of justification sola fide primarily through interaction with major proponents.

Our reviewer Pastor Lu Tsun En of the Westminster graduate, his review in chinese here, and the newly[4/10] english translated version by Daniel Chew here. Excerpt:

随着英国圣公会Durham主教与首席新约学者汤姆‧赖特(N.T.Wright)的作品陆续被翻译为中文,例如校园出版的〈再思保罗神学争议〉,近年来英美神学界「新观点派」(New Perspectives)的神学观点逐渐受到华人教会的注意。David Chong弟兄用非常简洁而流畅的文字摘要了新观点派的特色...

[This paper is now opened for discussion]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Daniel Wong on An Analysis and Critique of Signs and Wonders


灵恩神学并没有正确解释神迹奇事。John Wimber因着错误延用Ladd的神国的神学,脱离救赎历史角度去理解神迹奇事,相信今天的基督徒依然能如耶稣基督和使徒时代,在传道时能继续以神迹奇事的配合来印证福音的大能。

Our reviewer is Daniel Chew, and his review can be read in english here.

Rev. Wong critiques various aspects of the Signs and Wonder movement which are at variance from the teachings of Scripture. In preparation for further analysis of the issue, Rev. Wong gave a brief overview of the biblical teachings of the Covenants and the relationship between the Old and New Covenants/ Testaments.

[This paper are now opened for discussion in both chinese and english.]

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

JJ Lim on the place and necessity of Creeds and Confessions

Are Creeds and Confessions necessary? What is their role and place in the life of a Church? In our second paper, Rev. J.J. Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church attempts to answer the question in his paper here. An excerpt:

In this short article therefore, we would like to examine, as the questions: Is there a Biblical Basis for Creeds and Confessions? What are the Uses of Creed and Confessions in the Church? To what extend should Creed or Confession be binding to members?

Many modern evangelical Christians are quick to say that they believe in no creeds but the Bible. But this statement is in itself a creedal statement, and therefore makes it self-contradictory.


David Chang responds to this paper here.

[This paper is now opened for discussion]

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mejlina on Scripture and Tradition

The first paper for our blog conference was done by Mejlina Tjoa. What is the relationship of Scripture to tradition. Is tradition something that Christians should abhor as being of the letter and not of the Spirit (cf 2 Cor. 3:6)? In her paper entitled Scripture and Tradition, Mejlina tackles this issue and puts forward her case for the Reformed stance on this issue, which could be accessed here. An excerpt:

Sola Scriptura is the hallmark of the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. It acknowledges the Scripture as sole infallible and supreme authority over all matters of faith and life, in contrast to the Roman Catholic conviction which accepts both Scripture and church tradition as the highest authority. Protestantism does not disregard and in fact still emphasizes the importance of church tradition. However it adopts quite a different view of the role of tradition from Roman Catholicism.

This paper attempts to introduce various views pertaining to the relationship between Scripture and tradition, especially how appealing to the authority of church tradition fits in with the Protestant concept of Sola Scriptura. Further, this paper will also study the role of the Holy Spirit in the students of the Scriptures, on how the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, and an appeal to church tradition or church heritage with regards Bible interpretation, are harmonized. Finally, the limitation of tradition will be briefly explored for further thought.


Our reviewer is Rev. Jonah Tang, and his reviews can be read in the original Chinese here, or English here.

In her paper Scripture and Tradition, Mejlina properly analyzes the place and role of tradition in the early catholic (small ‘c’) churches, as well as explicate the point of contention between the 16th century Reformation and Roman Catholicism on this topic. The view of the Reformation is not about the rejection of tradition, but about defending the truth of Sola Scriptura and in so doing vigorously contend for the Truth, circumventing the control of papal Traditionalism. ...

Mejlina's paper and Jonah Tang's response are now opened for discussion.

Opening of the CREDO500 blog conference

It is the 7th September 2009, and together with my co-organizer Jonah Tang, we hereby declare the CREDO500 blog conference open. Before the first paper is published, I would like to post some basic rules for this conference, in order to facilitate the discussions:

1) Commenting is to be done in the name of Christian truth and love. All comments thus are expected to reflect the calling of a Christian. Therefore, character assassinations and slander/libel are not permitted here.

2) All comments are welcome. However, please post with regards to the content of the paper and try not to digress into other topics. Spam comments when discovered will be deleted.

3) Do not feed the trolls. Please ignore those who come in for the sake of being disagreeable.

That will be all, and once again, we welcome all to participate in the blog conference, for the edification of the Church.

Biography of contributors for the CREDO500 blog conference

After much effort, the biography of our contributors have been more or less traslated into English, as follows:


Mejlina Tjoa

Mejlina graduated from NUS with B. Eng in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and is currently a Melbourne University MBA student, A member of GRII (Reformed Evangelical Indonesian Church), she is currently teaching children Sunday classes in Melbourne. She also regularly does (unofficial) transcripts of Rev Tong's weekly sermons, and occasionally writes / edits Christian articles as requested.

Rev. J.J. Lim

Pastor J.J. is the senior pastor of Pilgrim Covenant Church in Singapore, a church that practices the singing of Psalms. He has edited many works, including writing annotations for the Westminster Confession of Faith.

王俊才牧师 (Rev. Daniel Wong)

Formerly from a Penang Baptist church, he is now in the process of organizing the Christianity and the 21st century Reformed Bible School. He is currently the senior pastor of Kuching Grace Baptist Church and is the founder of Kuching Reformed Fellowship. He is also helping out in starting the Kuala Lumpur Reformed Evangelical Church as her founding pastor.

David Chong

David studies part time at Malaysia Bible Seminary, works in an IT consulting firm and blogs at He worships at City Discipleship Presbyterian church and often gives talks to student and adult groups on cultural mandate, contemporary issues and marketplace theology. He is married to Grace and expecting his first child in July 2009.

Gideon Teo

Gideon is currently a 4th year M.Div. (Counseling emphasis) student at Westminster Theological Seminary and serves as a quarter-time youth pastor at China Grace Christian Church. He received his B.A. in Family Studies from the University of British Columbia (Canada) while being an active member and student vice-president of Campus Crusade for Christ. Gideon is a Pastor's Kid and is extremely thankful for the example set by his father-pastor. Gideon loves the outdoors and has worked as an adventure experiential educator as well as a horse wrangler in Wisconsin.

Rev. Dr. Andrew Teo (张顺牧师,博士)

Rev. Andrew Teo studied biochemistry in Murdoch University in Western Australia, following which he went to England for his masters at Birmingham Theological Seminary, getting his doctorate at San Francisco Theological Seminary in the USA. He is currently a Phd candidate in Whitefield College where he studied under Prof. Jay Adam. Meanwhile, he is the main pastor at Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church in Michigan, USA.

Benjamin Ho

Benjamin is currently working in the Singapore government service as a policy analyst. He holds a Bachelors' degree (Honors) in journalism and is also pursuing his Masters' degree in International Relations. His academic interests include postmodernism, international politics, Islam and mass media studies. He is currently serving at the Family of Grace Evangelical Free Church as a youth ministry leader as well as in the worship ministry. In his free time, he enjoys listening to classical music, singing, reading and swimming.

Daniel Chew (赵惠聪)

Daniel Chew is an avid blogger and author of the book Driven Away by Purpose. He holds a BSc (Hon) in Life Sciences from the National University of Singapore and is currently working in a biological research lab. He currently worships at Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church and stays with his parents and younger brother in their home country of Singapore. He is the co-organizer of this blog conference.

Ps Linus Chua

Linus Chua is a member of Pilgrim Covenant Church in Singapore and a full-time ministerial student under the care of the Church Session. He was born in Singapore and is married to Shan Shan. They have three young children – Rebekah, Euan and Luke. After graduating from Imperial College London (UK) in 1999 with a M. Eng in Aeronautical Engineering, Linus worked as an aeronautical engineer for five and a half years at DSO National Laboratories. He is currently pursuing a M.Div with Whitefield Theological Seminary in preparation for the pastoral ministry.Linus has written a book Catechism in Conversation in which he gives a brief introduction to the Westminster Shorter Catechism in conversational style

Ps Tsun-En Lu (陆尊恩传道)

Tsun-En is the pastor of Faith and Fellowship Chinese Presbyterian Church in Taipei, Taiwan. He holds an M.Div from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.

陈佐人牧师,博士 (Rev. Dr. Stephen Chan)

Rev.Dr.Stephen Chan, Phd Chicago University, is Associate Professor of Seattle University. He is also Acting Principal of the Reformed Institute for Christianity and 21st Century, and senior pastor of Bay Area Reformed Evanglical church, meanwhile is academic committee member of the Sino-Christian Studies.

Rev. Dr. Jack Sin

Dr. Jack Sin was a professor at the Pensacola Theological Seminary in Florida, USA. He is the founder and principal of the Emmanuel Reformed Bible Lectures and the senior pastor of Maranatha Bible-Presbyterian Church. He has also served many years at Far Eastern Bible College.

Ps Alex Tseng (曾劭恺)

Alex studied physics at the University of Columbia, after which he went to Reagent College for his M. Div, and then to Princeton Theological Seminary for his Th. M. He is the preacher at North American Chinese Faith Baptist Church, and directs the student and English ministries.

Ps. Dr. Lai Hoe Ang

Dr. Ang is a forestry professor in Malaysia, an IUFRO officer, and engages in research work. He is also a preacher at Kuala Kubu Chapel (Reformed Baptist) church.

Rev. David Chen

Rev. David Chen has an M.Div from Westminster Theological Seminary, and is the pastor of the Faith, Hope, Love Church in Philadelphia, USA.

邓福祥传道 (Ps Fook Seong Teng)

Pastor Teng graduated with an B.Div from Methodist Theological School, and will be ordained as pastor under the Methodist Sabah Chinese Annual Conference.

王志勇牧师,博士 (Rev. Dr. Zhi Yong Wang)

Dr. Wang holds a Masters in Law from Beijing University. He is the theology professor at Calvin Seminary, and loves shepherding, translation, academic research and preaching through the Internet.

郑哲民牧师,博士 (Rev.Dr.David Cheng)

Dr. David Cheng possesses expertise in Law, Business, Christianity research, Politics and Economics. He is currently an MDiv student in Taipei Reformed Theological Seminary. His resume includes being a law school professor, a legal researcher, businessman, government legal counsel, pastor, evangelist, and vice president and director of a seminary. He is also currently involved in ministry in mainland China in the area of teaching, guidance, arranging and nurturing the Reformed movement there.

陈亦君 (Cathy Tan)

Cahty Tan has a Master of Music from California States University, Los Angeles. She is a part-time music ministry advisor for Jubilee Presbyterian Church Singapore, a choral conductor, a music educator, and a speaker and writer on music and worship issues.

Ps Timothy Peng (彭加荣)

Pastor Timothy Peng has a BDiv from Pensacola College, a MTS (major in Systematic Theology) from Calvin College, and is currently at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary studying for his MTh (major in Historical theology). His interests include Puritanism and Scholasticism, and he was once an English pastor for the Baton Rouge Chinese Church.

Jason Loh

Jason Loh works at INPUMA in Malaysia as an research analyst. His interests include politics, government, law, economics, higher education, international relations and strategic studies. He is a lay member and assistant legal advisor of the Anglican church who confesses the Classical Protestant and Evangelical Lutheran (Ausburg Confession) position.


郑天鸣牧师 (Rev. Jonah Tang)

Jonah Tang has a B. Div from Sibu Methodist Theological School. He is now a pastor under the Masland Church in the Methodist Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference(SCAC). He is the founder of this blog conference.

David Chang (张仲骐)

David Chang obtained his PhD at the University of Sydney, and is currently studying for an M. Div. from the Taipei Chinese Evangelical Seminary.

Rev. Peter Wong

Rev. Peter Wong was graduated in London Reformed Baptist Seminary, and is currently a minister of Brunei Reformed Baptist Churh.

Lim Soon Beng

Soon Beng is one of a rare breed: a Calvinistic Methodist. He currently worships and serves at Christalite Methodist Chapel. He works as a doctor (General Practitioner) and is blessed with a lovely wife and two children.

Edward Sim (沈骏)

Edward holds a Masters of Software Engineering from Imperial College, London and S.M. in Computer Science from the Singapore-MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore. He is currently pursuing PhD. Candidature in Computer Science at National University of Singapore. A member of Covenant Evangelical Free Church (CEFC), he is currently serving in the Chinese ministry in areas of worship and occasional preaching. He runs a seldom updated blog at He's also married and a proud new father of a recently born daughter.

Joel Tay

Joel graduated from a BSc. of Life Science from the University of Queensland, and is now studying for his M. Div. at Trinity Theological College in Singapore.

许如辉传道 (Ps Lemuel Hii)

Pastor Lemuel has the B.Th from Methodist Theological School in Sibu, and is currently ministering the Lord's Grace Preaching Point under the Methodist Sarawak Chinese Annual Conferene(SCAC)

杨百川 (Pai Chan Yong)

Pai Chan Yong is studying engineering at Chung Yuan Christian University, and worships at Taiwan Longtan Baptist Church

高爱军牧师 (Rev. Paul Gao)

Pastor Paul Gao is a pastor of a reformed church in Shanghai.



郑哲民牧师,博士 (Rev. Dr. David Cheng)

Dr. David Cheng possesses expertise in Law, Business, Christianity research, Politics and Economics. He is currently an MDiv student in Taipei Reformed Theological Seminary. His resume includes being a law school professor, a legal researcher, businessman, government legal counsel, pastor, evangelist, and vice president and director of a seminary. He is also currently involved in ministry in mainland China in the area of teaching, guidance, arranging and nurturing the Reformed movement there.

Ps Timothy Peng (彭加荣)

Pastor Timothy Peng has a BDiv from Pensacola College, a MTS (major in Systematic Theology) from Calvin College, and is currently at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary studying for his ThM (major in Historical theology). His interests include Puritanism and Scholasticism, and he was once an English pastor for the Baton Rouge Chinese Church.

Jason Loh

Jason Loh is a law graduate from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. He was invited to join the Church of England (Continuing) in 2000 and appointed assistant legal advisor in 2003. He is also a member of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS). He is currently pursuing an academic career in the humanities and social sciences, doing his Master in Public Policy while working as a Research Analyst in the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya.


杨峻豪 (Jun Hao Yoong)

Jun Hao has a B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering, from Putra University, Malaysia. He is currently an Engineer, and worships and serves in Kuala Lumpur Reformed Evangelical Church. He is also a choir member in Malaysia’s Yin Qi Choir.

Friday, September 4, 2009

CREDO500 Blog Conference introduction

My co-organizer Pastor Jonah Tang has recently posted the introduction for the CREDO 500 blog conference, which is a mere three days away. (Hint: to those who have *yet* to hand in their reviews. Please do so ASAP as I require time to check them!) Here is the translation of the introduction for all who are either not fluent enough in Chinese, those who prefer to read it in English, and those who do not read Chinese.


Knowing and glorifying God, whom John Calvin served

by Jonah Tang

trans. by Daniel Chew

Name and beginning

On July the 10th 2009, Christians in the Reformed tradition around the world gathered in the city of Geneva, Switzerland, to commemorate the 500th anniversary (1509-2009) of the birth of the French Reformer John Calvin, breathing new life into the embers in this once thriving spiritual center of the Reformation. Although not everyone had the opportunity to attend this ceremony, churches around the world have resounded with various events to be held in remembrance of this iconic figure of the Reformation era.

The CREDO 500 blog conference is initiated by this present author and co-organized together with brother Daniel Chew, with Dr. Stephen Chan (陈佐人), Dr. Zhi Yong Wang (王志勇) and Dr. Keng Ann Lee (李健安) graciously agreeing to be the project’s guides and advisers. On the one hand, the weak faith of many suffer from the onslaught of postmodernism and the rapid growth of all manner of heresies, while on the other, the 21st century is witnessing the rapid increase in the Church as many ethnic Chinese are coming to the Lord . In order to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas in light of these facts, and in the hope of continuing the proclamation and development of Calvinist theology and the rich heritage of the Reformed tradition, this conference has been organized.

The original meaning of the word in the Latin, “Credo”, is “I believe”. “CREDO 500” get its meaning from the first five centuries of the early church, linked together with the Reformation and Post-Reformation era of the recent five centuries to make up a pair of two five centuries of faith, which can be termed as the “ecumenical Reformed faith and tradition”. At this blog, the CREDO motif is developed further as the acronym for “Chinese Reformed Evangelical Discussion Online”, with the goal of planting the Reformed faith in the new generation of Chinese Evangelicals. It is hoped that the strict confessionalism and godly piety of the 16th and 17th century Reformers and the English Puritans, together with the faithful witness of the Apostles and the believers of all ages, will find new adherents. Utilizing the ability of the Internet to flatten the world, believers are enabled to interact and learn together this Christian historical orthodox faith. For unless we know and understand the Reformation and its necessity and beginning, we will never be able to be one substantive household of faith founded on the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Objective and Purpose

This author strongly believes that the influence of Calvin did not end with the Modern and Western world, but continues to impact and transform the Post-modern and Chinese-speaking world. We are honored to be able to invite Christians around the world from different denominations and backgrounds: be they scholars, pastors, researchers and theologians, to contribute to this blog conference and engage in interaction and mutual guidance on various technical topics. The conference would be done in the following format: Every other day a paper would be uploaded together with its attendant response, after which all and sundry are invited to actively participate in the discussions on that paper. All are invited to affirm, ask for further clarification or suggest points for more thought and reflection, with regards to the content and manner of writing of any of the papers. We eagerly anticipate creative engagements and constructive responses, to aid the authors in correcting and improving their articles.

In principle, all discussions are to be purely factual and objective. However, all attendees are to abide by the proper attitude of glorifying God. In expressing one’s thoughts and opinions, one is not to compromise on the foundational truths, but also to respect differences of opinions over minor points of doctrine. In all things, we are to be loving and speak words of edification to build up others. In this light, this author desires and exhorts the practice of the following beliefs and principles of Reformed orthodoxy: 1) To be based on the Bible, 2) To be Christ-centered, 3) with the sole aim of glorifying the triune God, 4) to be done for the good of the Church. These are also the desired result for the conference: that through studying the legacy of John Calvin, we may glorify God, whom Calvin served.

The theme of this blog conference is “Calvin to the modern Chinese Churches” 「从加尔文看今日华人教会」. We have collected a total of 20 papers to be spit into two sections, the first being “The legacy of Reformed Theology” and the second being “The Reformation and John Calvin”. Lord willing, we plan to publish the results of this conference in a volume, which is to be separately published in English and Chinese. Listed below in the next section are the short biographies of the authors and reviewers of the papers for this conference.

Lastly, we would like to express our appreciation to all who have contributed to this conference in one way or another. We look forward to this historical blog conference, and hope it will provoke thought to edify the Chinese churches, to bring about a unity between the intellect and the spirit, and to narrow the distance we have from our Reformed forefathers such that we are connected to our past. Amen.

[NOTE: I have not included the bio in this post because I have not translated them. I will include that in a later post]






7月10日, 世界各国改革宗传统的教会在日内瓦聚集联合纪念法国改教家加尔文诞辰五百周年(1509-2009),唤醒了这长眠已久的改教圣地。虽不是人人都有机会见证此盛典,但各地教会也随后纷纷响应和追忆这位大时代的标志人物。CREDO500部落格会议由笔者发起并与赵惠聪配搭主持,承蒙陈佐人、王志勇、李健安教授应允指导。为着正以脆弱之信仰面临后现代和异教世界观冲击下,于21世纪全球范围迅速成长的今日华人教会,提供一个相互交流的平台,期望继承发扬加尔文神学及改教传统的丰富遗产。

Credo的原意是「我信」,Credo500则意味着早期五世纪的教会、宗教改革与后改教时期的“双五世纪”结合起来的「改革宗大公传统信仰」。本部落格进一步将C-R-E-D-O一词演绎为Chinese Reformed Evangelical Discussion Online,志在跨福音派华人新生代立约群体中,依循16-17世纪改教家和清教徒的严谨信仰和敬虔生活,上承使徒和历代圣徒的忠心见证,以网络平面化之形式,联系并同步学习这历史性的正统信仰。除非我们真正地认识改教运动的缘由,否则我们不可能成为一个在真道上合一的实质性大家庭。



原则上,所有的讨论都是就事论事,然而参与者须秉持荣耀神的合宜态度,表明自己的思路和观点,在基要的真理上不妥协,在细节的看法上尊重他人的不同,在凡事上以爱心说诚实造就人的话。笔者愿以下列归正传统的基本信念共勉之:1.本于圣经的信仰(Bible-Based),2.以主基督为中心(Christ-Centered),3.唯独荣耀三一神(God-Glorifying),4. 注重教会的益处(Church-Focusing)。这也是此会议愿看到的结果,学习加尔文从主领受的遗产,并将荣耀归给他所事奉的神。

部落格会议的主题为「从加尔文看今日华人教会」。我们将所收集的20篇文稿分成两部份。第一部份为「改教神学的延续性」, 第二部份为「改教时代的加尔文」。若主许可, 我们计划在会议后把研究成果编成文集, 并译成汉语和英语分别出版。下列为会议文章的作者及回应员之简介(名单按文章秩序排列, 会议时间表请参阅这里)。最后, 我们要向所有对此次会议作出贡献的人致意。期盼这历史性的网络会议, 能集思广义造就华人教会,促进智性和灵性的结合,拉近我们与改教先驱的距离, 从此对加尔文不再陌生。是祷!


Mejlina Tjoa

Rev. J.J.Lim
新加坡Pilgrim Covenant Church主任牧师,教会用诗篇崇拜,写作或编辑多本著作,包括为Wesminster Confession写注释。

王俊才牧师 (Rev. Daniel Wong)

David Chong
马来西亚圣经学院带职神学生,IT公司顾问与TheAgora负责人,City Discipleship Presbyterian Church,兴趣范围包括教导文化使命, 当代课题, 市井神学。

Gideon Teo
费城西敏寺神学院辅导系道学硕士生,哥伦比亚大学家庭学学士,曾担任十字军营副主席,目前在China Grace Christian church 负责青少年事工。

Rev.Dr. Andrew Teo (张顺牧师,博士)

Benjamin Ho
新闻部学士,国际关系硕士,新加坡政府部门政策分析员,兴趣范围包括关注后现代, 国际政治, 回教和传播学,新加坡Grace Evangelical Free Church从事青少年/敬拜事奉。

Daniel Chew(赵惠聪)
生命科学荣誉学士,生物研究室工作,新加坡Covenat Evangelical Reformed Church,热衷于部落格, Driven Away by Purpose的作者。

Ps Linus Chua
怀特腓神学院道学硕士生,新加坡Pilgrim Covenant Church传道,Catechism in Conversationan的作者,帝国理工航空工程硕士,曾在DSO国家化验室工作,兴趣范围包括神学, 护教, 伦理, 文化和新约文本批判。

Ps Tsun-En Lu (陆尊恩传道)

陈佐人牧师,博士 (Rev.Dr.Stephen Chan)

Rev.Dr.Jack Sin
弗罗里达彭萨科拉神学院博士,Emmanuel Reformed Bible Lectures创办人及院长,新加坡Maranatha Bible Church主任牧师,多年任教于Far Eastern Bible College。

Ps Alex Tseng (曾劭恺)

Ps.Dr.Ang Lai Hoe
森林学博士,IUFRO官员,从事研究工作,Kuala Kubu Chapel (Reformed Baptist) 传道。

Rev.David Chen
邓福祥传道 (Ps Teng Fook Seong)
王志勇牧师,博士(Rev.Dr.Wang Zhi Yong)

陈亦君 (Cathy Tan)

郑哲民牧师,博士 (Rev.Dr.David Cheng)

Ps.Timothy Peng (彭加荣传道)

彭萨科拉学院神学学士,加尔文学院神学研究硕士(主修系统神学),目前在PRTS就读神学硕士(主修历史神学),兴趣范围包括对清教徒和经院主义。曾任Baton Rouge华人教会英语部传道。

Jason Loh
威尔斯Aberystwyth大学法律系学士毕业, 为委任法律顾问. 加入英国国教, 也是星马路德宗会友。目前在马大公共政策和管理(INPUMA) 国际研究所担任分析研究员, 并从事人文与社会科学之研究 , 同时在马大修读国际关系硕士。


郑天鸣牧师 (Rev. Jonah Tang)

David Chang (张仲骐)

Rev. Peter Wong


Lim Soon Beng
Christalite Methodist Chapel,内科医生。

Edward Sim (沈骏)
伦敦帝国理工学院软件工程硕士,新加坡国立大学电脑科学硕士及博士候选人,Covenant Evangelical Free Church从事中文事工。

Joel Tay

许如辉传道 (Ps Lemuel Hii)

杨百川 (Yong Pai Chan)

高爱军牧师 (Rev.Paul Gao)

杨峻豪 (Yoong Jun Hao)