Friday, October 2, 2009

Stephen Chan on Calvin's Tales of Two Cities

The year 2009 marks the 500th annivesary of Calvin's birth, various events of international and interdemominational held to commemorate his life and works. In this paper, Rev.Dr. Stephen Chan gives us an insightful guide which deeply engage with Calvin's mind through his methodology in the Institute of Christian Religion, and a brief survey of it's development in the Post-reformation with a keen eye towards Mainland China, the "most strategic mission field" in the 21st century.

Dr.Chan, our conference advisor, President of Reformed Institute for Christianity and 21st Century, Associate Professor of Seattle University, his paper can be read here. Excerpt:


This article has been reviewed by Rev. Dr. David Cheng, newly added here. Excerpt:
Rev. Prof. Dr. Chan is one of the greatest teachers of theology in our time. His article provides us a better understanding of Calvin and his works especially in regard to Calvin’s contribution to the Reformation of the 16th century. This reviewer has found no mistake or any point for scholarly challenge. Certainly, Dr. Chan is very careful in his wording and therefore he is safe even on a couple issues which are already controversial in the scholarly literature.

[The paper is now opened for discussion.]

1 comment:

CREDO500 said...

Dr.Chan is at his pilgrimage to Geneva while he submit the paper, I think this is one of the best article we have in credo conference, beautiful stuff including Calvin’s biography and thoughts.

The structural rationale of the Institutes and its editorial history help us in understanding Calvin’s own theological development.

Besides, I agree that we should not underestimate the Barthian interpreters of Calvin. Reformed theologians in the modern day have eventually found difficult to draw sharp lines of demarcation between Calvin and Barth theology. Therefore, let us stand together on the cornerstone of the historic reformed faith against the dominating neo-orthodox apostasy in the churches and seminaries today.

Note too, all who share Christ’s love for the chinese churches must read the last part, you’ll be stimulated and moved to tears.

Thanks also to Dr.David for clear things up for us, esp like his summation of Calvin's systemic idea of covenant theology. I appreciate how carefully thougt out and reasonable his review is.